DAW의 발간물 -Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview
        등록일 2005-03-08

        Gender Mainstreaming에서는 1995년 제4차 UN 세계여성회의(베이징)에서 논의된 Beijing Platform for ACtion 을 뒷받침해줄 수 있는 양성평등장려 전략을 볼 수 있다. Contents 1. Introduction * Gender equality as the goal - gender mainstreaming as the strategy * The analytic tasks * General issues and trends 2. What has been learned about gender mainstreaming? * The need for a broad strategy that targets major institutions and focuses on gender relations * Measures to support gender equality can contribute to other socio-economic goals * focus on people is a prerequisite 3. Applying gender mainstreaming in specific contexts * Policy analysis and development * Research * Technical assistance * Servicing intergovernmental bodies * Data collection, alanlysis and dissemination 4. Institutional development/capacity-building for gender mainstreaming 5 Conclusions